Integrating with Carthage

Once we add your GitHub username to our organization, add the following line to your project Cartfile

github "Dyneti/dyscan-ios-carthage-5_1" "1.0.2"

In a terminal in the same directory as the Cartfile, run

$ carthage update

In Xcode, make sure $(PROJECT_DIR)/Carthage/Build/iOS is in your project's framework search paths (in build settings). Then, include Carthage/Build/iOS/DyScan.framework in your project's Linked Frameworks and Binaries (this is in the general settings).

If you have not set up the Carthage copy-frameworks run script, follow the steps here to do so. This ensures that the simulator-only components of the framework are stripped out before deploying to the app store.

Add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/DyScan.framework to your project's input.xcfilelist, and add $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH)/DyScan.framework to your project's output.xcfilelist. Alternatively, you can include these as input and output files, respectively, to the run script phase that runs copy-frameworks.

If your app does not already ask for camera permissions, add the key “NSCameraUsageDescription” (Privacy - Camera Usage Description) to your app's Info.plist file. You should set the value to be the string a user sees when they are prompted for the camera permission (e.g. To scan credit cards).

DyScan should be integrated properly now. See this guide on how to interface with it.

Last updated

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